Eventful weekend.
1. Seth and I cooked this meal on Thursday night but ate the leftovers all weekend long. I love it when something is so good you can do that. Cilantro lime rice, beef burritos and Sonny's salsa.
Sonny's Salsa
4 cans petite diced tomatoes
1 - 2 onions diced or chopped
2 medium jalapeño peppers diced
2 cloves garlic crushed
1 bunch cilantro
1/2 or 3/4 cup vinegar (usually raspberry)
1/2 or 3/4 cup sugar or Splenda
Use the juice from the tomatoes and the vinegar in a blender or food processor to mix the sweet and cilantro. Add altogether and put in bowl and enjoy. Measurements are not exact so taste and fix to your liking.
*We have been halving the recipe and it still makes enough for us to eat it for days. Also we have found it a little hard to find raspberry vinegar and started using pomegranate which is equally as good.
2. We saw this beauty while parking at Pepe's to watch the Thunder game and the CD release show. Made me happy.
3. CD release show for Brine Webb. O You, Stone Changeling is an amazing album and I would recommend you give it a listen.
4. Ate lunch at Midway with some friends that I don't get to spend enough quality time with. We ate outside and basked in the sun for a while, made for a lovely Saturday afternoon.
5. Sunday we cooked out and watched the OKC Thunder win the series against the Grizzlies. Yummy food and lots of fun.
6. Porter is really cute chewing on his chewstick. Looks like a cigar. It literally takes 10 times longer for him to finish than Petra, never fails she ends up trying to steal his from him.
7. #memphisischubby became our quote for the series. Sparked other hashtags on Twitter such as #collison cares & #bestbrook. I don't know if I will ever love Twitter as much as I did during this series with all the crazy hashtags going around.
*not pictured: Beth's low-key bachelorette party. I guess I don't have any pictures because 1. I forgot my camera and 2. most of the night was full of debauchery that shouldn't have been documented anyway.
I had a dream that we drove over to OK to watch some b'ball with you.